Voting – RCRC Proposed Bylaw Change

This ballot will be available until the club meeting Tuesday July 16, 2024.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

RCRC Bylaw Change

Voting on this change can be done online at the RCRC website or in person at the July 16th, 2024 club meeting.  This proposed change was motioned and passed at the April club meeting. 

Overall, two items will be accomplished with these changes:
-    Club dues will be raised to $100 per year to battle rising costs of doing business.
-    Non-Member permits will no longer be issued. 

Current bylaws call for the display of the existing/unaltered bylaw followed by the proposed change with the exact text that will be updated should the effort pass quorum vote.

Original/Current Bylaw: (RED highlight indicates what will change)

Article One:  Membership

Section 3:

(A)   Annual membership dues are $70.00. Additional club memberships for family members residing in the same household as the primary club member are $35.00 each. Non-member permits are available for a $60.00.

(D)  Membership cards will be blue. The issue and expiration dates will be clearly visible on the card. The red Radio Control Operators Permit (non-member cards) and the white Radio Control Operators Permit (visitors flying card) will have the issue and expiration dates clearly marked on the card as well. No permits will be issued for longer than a one year period. The membership card expiration date will be determined by the expiration date of the club member’s AMA membership.

Proposed Change:

Article One:  Membership

Section 3:

(A)   Annual membership dues are $100.00.

(D)  Membership cards will be blue. The issue and expiration dates will be clearly visible on the card. The white Radio Control Operators Permit (visitors flying card) will have the issue and expiration dates clearly marked on the card as well. No permits will be issued for longer than a one year period. The membership card expiration date will be determined by the expiration date of the club member’s AMA membership.

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